Sayonara 2014

OH what a year it has been!  To say that 2014 has been a roller coaster would be a WILD understatement!!  I’m never one to look back on a year and say good riddance….but I must admit that I’m ready for a new year and a fresh start.  Not that this year hasn’t been amazing (hello…find out we are expecting a little one) it’s just had a few pretty significant bumps thrown in there as well.

But all things considered I choose to take this day as a chance to remember all the blessings that have come our way and be thankful for all that we have in our lives.  We are so incredibly lucky to have the most amazing friends and family around us; supporting us and celebrating with us.

So Cheers to all of the wonderful things that 2014 has brought you and your family.  Cheers to all the laughs and fun times.  Cheers to all the lessons learned and personal growth.  Cheers to making 2015 even better!!


Be Safe and CELEBRATE all of the blessings in your life!!
~ Jillian